Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My game

  • The Big Idea: Describe your learning topic for the game. What is the most important thing you want your players to learn? The most important thing i will want my player to learn is about the Muslim culture and how they aren't terrorist like others actually think they are.
  • Research: What kind of research did you do? What did you learn about your topic? I actually started researching about the Muslim culture and how it works for them. i myself am a catholic and we have our own beliefs and they are way different then my own religion. Something i learn about the Muslim s is that men have more power then the women. women are basic ally house wife's and the men own them.
  • Making Decisions: How did your ideas change as you worked on your game? My game idea changed because i actually had a way different image of my game then what it is right now. I wanted my game to teach the player that discriminating someone because of where they come from or how they look is wrong but then i ended up just teaching the player about the Muslim culture.
  • Mastering Programming: What Game Ingredients and Help Center resources have been most useful to you so far, and why? the most useful game ingredient has been the parallax scrolling because my plan for the game was for the player to actually circle the Ramadan but i couldn't really do it so i just used the parallax scrolling ingredient.    
  • Overcoming Challenges: Which part of making the game was most difficult for you? How did you overcome this difficulty? What features are you most proud of in your game? The hardest thing for me was actually coding my game. i have taken globaloria for 3 years now and all this time i actually really never learned and didn't really try learning it. I over came this obstacle by actually taking the chance in learning how to code the game by myself with no help from my fellow classmates, and i'm really proud of that.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Paper Prototype

My Paper prototype wasn't so difficult to be honest. I honestly thought it was way easier then anything else we have to do. The only thing that i found hard about the paper prototype is drawing my ideas in paper. I have such a huge and amazing idea in my head but i just don't know how to put it in paper. Once i start using flash its gonna be easier for me to draw the background and just draw my ideas because i can see what will look good and what will not and if it will work.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Plan A Game Scene

My game is going to be very simple and original. The player help Aaliah (player) take his pilgrame to the ramadan which is located in Islam. I'm excited for my game because you has the player will learn so much about the Muslim religion through out the game in a fun way and creative way. At the end of the game I'm hoping to put some sort a fun quiz to see if you actually learn at least something in my game. I'm hoping i have enough time to put everything i want in my game on time and all the players that play my game have fun playing it.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Choose Learning Topic

You are 10 year old Muslim named Aaliah. As a muslim one of the 5 pillars is to take a pilgrimage to the Ramadan before you die. Your mom is sick and she knows shes about to die very soon so you and your family decide to take the trip. While you are in the trip you notice theirs people that aren't Muslims and they are trying to stop every ones pilgrimage. Your mission is to walk the Ramadan in a circle six times without getting stop! Try and collect has many gold coins has you can it will give you extra lives! Be careful each lap you make it gets even more difficult! Good luck and have a safe trip!

 My vision of my game is going to be simple. The scene will be taken place in Islam , where the Ramadan is located. My character will be a young little Muslim boy with his family taking the pilgrimage to the Ramadan. While the character walks around the Ramadan 6 times there will be obstacles that the boy and his family have to be careful for. For example one obstacle is going to be Americans trying to stop their pilgrimage and you has the players have to avoid the Americans that are trying to stop you. You has the player also have to collect gold coins along the way. Those coins will help you in many different ways.

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Learn to design for mobile

Both designs consuls and mobile have their own way and are very different in so many ways. For instance The mobile phones games can have portable which moves your character left and right and the consuls games you have more control on the character which it can go up , down , left , right. On the mobile games you have to make it more simple since you really cant move around the character and the consuls you can make it however you want. Both games are similar but have their own unique. Like Super Mario is a consul game and a mobile game. Honestly I believe that super Mario should had stayed has a consul game only because you had so many levels and it was easier to move around unlike the mobile game.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012


What did you think about the article? I think that its very interesting because he says hes doing a game also like us.
How did it make you feel to read about your school and Globaloria , a program that you participated in? It made me feel proud of myself because i know that adults are trying to make mini games & their having difficulties with the codes & i know that i'm more advance then them.
If your game was featured in the article , how did it make you feel? Proud? Happy?My game was not featured in the article.
If your game was not featured in this article, what would you like for the author to have said about your game?I really do not know because my game was not finish.
Which game do you think the author should have mentioned in his article & why?I think he should had mention "Oil Sill Rescue" because that was a very good game in my opinion.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Forks Over Knives

What do you think this documentary will be about ? 
- I think this documentary is going to be about people eating healthy.

What do you think the title implies or indicates about the film?

-I think the title indicates that people should choose healthy food instead of junk food. 

Mostly american-Hispanic & African american are o beast.
one in five . 4 year old children will be o beast 
children are expected to live less than their parents
kids now a day have more diabetes.